Our Most Read Stories of 2022: Reflecting on the Collective Action of Our Partners

As we reflect on the bold actions our partners took this year to defend democracy, protect reproductive freedom, and respond to the urgent climate crisis, we are filled with immense gratitude and inspiration. No doubt the year 2022 ushered in new challenges. But we remain hopeful — and committed to supporting our partners who continue to organize, mobilize, and dedicate themselves to returning power to communities who have historically faced systemic barriers. We invite you to explore our most compelling stories of the year, which remind us that we all have a role to play in shaping a more equitable future.


Move Texas volunteers from Vote Early Day, a Tides Center project that mobilizes communities to vote early (Photo from Vote Early Day).

Defending Our Democracy



Cyndi Lauper Established the ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights’ Fund in 2022 at the Tides Foundation.

Protecting Reproductive Freedom


Jacqueline Patterson, Executive director of The Chisholm Legacy Project (TCLP) (Photo © Environmental Change and Security Programs / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Responding to the Urgent Climate Crisis


Stella Ashaolu, co-founder of Fifth Star Funds (Photo from FSF).

Shifting Power Back to Communities



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