Jane Bagley Lehman Awards

2022 JBL Awards

Each year the JBL Awards recognize individuals who exhibit a deep commitment to social justice and who would likely not be recognized through other channels. The issues and geographic areas in which we make awards vary from year to year. We select individuals because we believe the activism of one person can meaningfully shape significant social change.

In 2022, the JBL Awards will recognize Heroes of Reproductive Justice: individuals who organize at the intersection of reproductive health and civic engagement in states outlawing – or that have already outlawed – access to reproductive health. We believe reproductive justice goes beyond the pro-choice/pro-life debate and has three primary principles: (1) the right not to have a child; (2) the right to have a child; and (3) the right to parent children in safe and healthy environments. The awardees will be grassroots advocates who are working diligently in key states and collaborating with others to:

  • Organize communities to access reproductive health;
  • Educate birthing people deprived of access to health care about how to engage in the electoral process;
  • Bridge the gap between communities historically marginalized from reproductive healthcare and those who make policy.

Read more about the 2022 JBL Award winners»

Read more about previous JBL Award Winners»

About the Award

The Jane Bagley Lehman Awards “JBLs” seek to recognize individuals who have exhibited a deep commitment to the public interest and whose work demonstrates innovative approaches to social change.

An ideal nominee would be someone who has sought to share their experiences and findings with as wide an audience as possible, and who has worked to bridge the gap between those at the grassroots level and those who make policy. The nominees should be chosen for a body of work, rather than a specific accomplishment, and they should be respected not only by peers, but also by fellow workers and employees.

Jane Bagley Lehman was one of the founders of the Tides Foundation in 1976, and the Chair of the Board until her death in 1988. An unconventional philanthropist, her insatiable curiosity was matched by a willingness to take risks. Jane was most intrigued by the approaches and strategies of advocates and organizers and their willingness to challenge traditional assumptions. She also cared deeply that the results of these efforts be translated into the broader area of public policy.

It is in this spirit that the Jane Bagley Lehman Awards for Excellence in Public Advocacy were established. It is our hope that the awards will reflect Jane’s spirit as well as her commitment to issues of social justice.

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