
Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG)


Judy Hatcher


San Francisco, CA

The Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG) is a professional association of environmental, conservation, and climate and energy grantmakers. Today, approximately 75 funding institutions, predominantly private foundations, are formal members, while more than 200 other grantmaking institutions benefit from our activities as program partners. Altogether we reach nearly 1,000 philanthropic staff and trustees, mostly based in the United States with some based in other countries around the world, including Canada, England, and Switzerland.

We believe that grantmakers are more effective when they learn and work together, with focused and sustained collaborations allowing for deeper engagement and understanding on a variety of biodiversity issues. The Biodiversity Funders Group fosters cooperative and collaborative grantmaking by nurturing groups of funders who network, learn, and explore opportunities to work together, with active leadership from members who act as co-chairs or serve on planning committees and steering committees. We plan yearly gatherings, coordinate webinars on a wide variety of topics, and distribute electronic newsletters, announcements, and reports, to help members and program partners learn about opportunities and keep up with relevant news about each other, biodiversity, and philanthropy.