Fiscally Sponsored Project

Opportunity Youth United


Lashon Amado

In the United States, more than 4.6 million young people between the ages of 16 and 24 are neither in school nor employed. About half of us are living in poverty. In recent years we have been called “Opportunity Youth” both because we are seeking opportunity and we offer the nation an opportunity if it would invest in ways for us to rebuild our communities and our lives.

OYUnited is a national movement of young people and allies from all backgrounds committed to creating a society that invests adequately in the education and welfare of its children and youth, supports family and community life, ends mass incarceration and discrimination of all kinds, promotes a robust participatory democracy, and is structured to provide opportunity and responsibility for all.

Our vision is a society with opportunity and responsibility, love and respect, education and employment, justice and equality for all. We envision a nation where all young people can reach their highest potential and noblest aspirations in the context of safe, supportive, and healthy communities.

We have developed a set of policy recommendations to Increase Opportunity and Decrease Poverty in America to get us there.