
Bay Kids Studios


Mimi Rauschendorf


San Francisco, CA

Our mission is to empower children with serious illnesses to express themselves through the power of filmmaking.

Children with serious medical conditions face overwhelming challenges—scary and painful medical treatments, isolation from friends and family, and the emotional toll of uncertain futures. Filmmaking gives children a way to leave behind the medical world and just be kids again. Instead of children with illnesses, they become kids with cameras and stories to tell. They become directors, writers, animators, and actors. Instead of patients with little control over their situation, they become confident filmmakers who can create anything their imaginations dream up.
Through our programs, sick children rediscover their active, creative selves. They learn new skills. They have fun and connect with others. And as they discover new ways of expressing themselves, they deepen their sense of who they are. Their self esteem goes up. And most importantly, they gain a sense of purpose and hope, which helps them cope with their illnesses and believe in the possibilities of the future.

Since 2000, BayKids has been turning young patients into proud filmmakers. We have helped over 6,500 children experience the joy of creative expression through filmmaking.