Grantmaking Partner

Practitioners’ Voice CA



Practitioners’ Voice CA (PVCA) recognizes California’s children develop optimally when they receive quality early learning experiences and interactions with well-compensated, well-prepared, well-supported, and experienced educators. PVCA views practitioner engagement and leadership as core strategies to advance equity in pay and working conditions for the early education workforce in California. The goal of this grantmaking initiative is to support organizations that strengthen the pipeline of diverse practitioner leaders and build their power to influence system and policy changes that reflect their priorities.

As part of PVCA’s commitment to “flip the script” and center the expertise of early learning practitioners in the policy process in California, we are sharing all consenting applicants’ information with peer funders and other interested groups. You can view the PVCA ECE Group Directory here:

PVCA is supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation, Tipping Point Community, Blue Shield of California Foundation, California Community Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the Stein Early Childhood Development Fund.