Tides Partners
Our partners are our power. We lead a vast network of donors and doers who share a fierce commitment to supporting the work of proximate leaders striving for justice.
Partner Directory
Meet the changemakers partnering with Tides to realize a more just and equitable future.
Fiscally Sponsored Project
Faith to Action Initiative
Faith to Action educates and mobilizes churches, faith-based organizations and individuals to support family-based care for orphans and vulnerable children around the world.
Fast Forward
The world’s biggest social problems, from healthcare to education to human rights, deserve the best technology solutions. Fast Forward invests in entrepreneurs who are using technology to accelerate social impact. Fast Forward’s investments span beyond philanthropic funding, through products and…
Fiscally Sponsored Project
First Exposures
First Exposures is a San Francisco-based, nationally recognized youth mentoring program that that leverages the power of mentoring relationships and photography to empower young people to thrive, express themselves creatively, and become leaders in their communities. Cited as a model…
Fleishhacker Foundation
The Fleishhacker Foundation is a family foundation located in San Francisco, California. It was established in 1947 to improve the quality of life in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Foundation makes grants to local, community-based organizations through…
Fred Korematsu Institute
he Fred T. Korematsu Institute educates to advance racial equity, social justice, and human rights for all. The Korematsu Institute (KI) promotes the importance of remembering one of the most blatant forms of racial profiling in U.S. history, the…
Friends of the Urban Forest
Friends of the Urban Forest helps individuals and neighborhood groups plant and care for street trees and sidewalk gardens in San Francisco. This “green infrastructure” improves the city by beautifying neighborhoods, cleaning the air, and reducing polluted stormwater runoff. Since…
Fiscally Sponsored Project
Get Out And Learn
The Get Out And Learn (GOAL) program uses experiential, adventure-based learning to educationally engage youth who are at risk of dropping out of school. Through Get Out and Learn, students are more motivated to graduate from high school and pursue…
Grantmaking Partner
Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights
The Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights Fund supports efforts that advance the fundamental rights and health of all women and girls. Funds raised are granted to organizations that are having a positive impact on the lives of all…
Fiscally Sponsored Project
Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack
The Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) was established in 2010 by organizations from the fields of education in emergencies and conflict-affected fragile states, higher education, protection, international human rights, and international humanitarian law who were concerned about…
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