Single Entity Fund Application

Single Entity Fund Application

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
Hidden Fields

Applications can only be submitted by invited applicants. If you have reached this page without a direct invitation and are interested in submitting an application, please fill out our Partner with Us form. 

Contact for Grant and Legal Inquiries

CEO/Executive Director

Entity Mailing Address Contact Info

Grantee Address (if different from Entity)

Entity Info
Enter as two-digit month and two-digit day, e.g., 12/31.
Numbers only, do not include $ or other currency symbols or commas.

Charitable Purpose

Project Proposal
Charitable Activity Budget and Fundraising
Project Oversight

Private Benefit


Intellectual Property

Segregation of Charitable Funds

Tides Partner Portal

Please provide three references in the US of any charitable funders with whom you have worked or, if none, any third-party references who can speak about your charitable Proposed Work.

Fund Manager Detail
Please list the individuals who are authorized to act on behalf of the fund.


Please upload the following document(s):

Submission and Review Instructions

By clicking the "Review" button below, your form will first be validated that all the required fields have been completed. If there are items that require review, these will be highlighted in the form for your review. After completing all the fields, the "Review" button will take you to a page where you may review all your application responses and save a copy for your records.  

At the bottom of this page, there is a final "Confirm" button that will submit your application to Tides. You will receive an email confirmation sent to the email address provided on page 1 of this application that your application has been received.

If you have issues submitting your application, please save your application and send an email to [email protected] for assistance.