Tides’ Statement on Human Rights in Gaza and Israel

SAN FRANCISCO — Over the past two months, the world has witnessed human suffering and destruction on a scale that will have reverberations for generations to come. Since October 7, at least 13,000 Palestinians and 1,200 Israelis have been killed1. An estimated one million Palestinians have been forcibly removed from their homes and countless families have been torn apart2. Although there have been some glimmers of hope amid such widespread devastation — a temporary ceasefire, the phased release of Israeli and Palestinian hostages and prisoners, and the flow of some humanitarian aid to the region — the resumption of violence over the last 24 hours is a painful reminder of how fragile peace is in these uncertain times.

Tides stands in solidarity with the philanthropic community to demand a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas; the immediate release of all hostages; the cessation of unlawful civilian detention; and the unabated flow of humanitarian aid to people in need of critical care. We believe every loss of life is a profound injustice.

So far, Tides donors have contributed nearly $5M to humanitarian organizations providing emergency relief to civilians in Israel and Gaza. We have expedited and waived fees for any relief grants in the region. We have also encouraged donations and grants to humanitarian aid organizations working on the ground that are able to process rapid response grants and get aid to the people in need as quickly as possible.

As the conflict wages on, it is equally important to combat this meteoric rise in Islamophobic and antisemitic rhetoric and violence, which are being fueled by the torrent of misinformation online. Tides condemns all forms of Islamophobia and antisemitism and believes that we cannot allow this tragedy to further divide our communities and pit us against one another.

In these trying times, the arc of time inevitably bends towards justice. With your support and partnership, Tides aims to be a philanthropic leader and champion for the people and communities who have been historically denied power. The work we do together is critical to creating a more just and equitable world.


1 NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/25/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-death-toll.html

2 BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-20415675





About Tides
Tides is a nonprofit and philanthropic organization committed to advancing social justice. It works across the social sector to shift power to communities of color and other groups historically denied power. Centering equity and justice in everything it does, Tides collaborates in deep partnership with movement leaders, nonprofits, donors, foundations, and corporations to amplify the impact of their work by providing services like fiscal sponsorship, donor advised funds, grant making, and a variety of innovative solutions.


Media contact: tides.org/media-relations